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The story of pop punk in this deck is told through the classic symbolism of each suit.

Diamonds: Wealth
Blink 182, Fall Out Boy, and All Time Low
Diamonds are lively and energetic bands that sing a lot about partying and other youthful endeavors.
Clubs: War
Bands: Blink 182, Fall Out Boy, and All Time Low
Clubs are notoriously wild bands whose lyrics and instrumentation are fueled by chaos and aggression.
Heart: Purity
Bands: Jimmy Eat World, Dashboard Confessional, and Boys Like Girls
Hearts sing mostly about the pursuit of love and their relationships.
Spades: Death
Bands: New Found Glory, My Chemical Romance, and Mayday Parade
Spades write many sad and macabre lyrics, often about death or depression.

The Kings in this deck represent the first 'wave' of pop punk bands. The bands during this era all started between 1986 - 1993.
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The Queens in this deck represent the second 'wave' of pop punk bands. The bands during this era all started between 1996 - 2001.
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The Jacks in this deck represent the third 'wave' of pop punk bands. The bands during this era all started between 2003 - 2005.
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